
Last updateΤετ, 12 Μαρ 2025 7pm

News in English

IACS Council adopts new harmonised Common Structural Rules

iacs logo1At the 68th session of the IACS Council meeting, held on 18-19 December in London, IACS unanimously adopted new harmonised Common Structural Rules (CSR) for oil tankers and bulk carriers. The new rules will apply to all oil tankers over 150 m and bulk carriers over 90 m in length contracted for construction on or after 1 July 2015.

Golden Destiny: S&P Market Report for Week 50

tanker 398335237Attached find S&P Market Report of Golden Destiny for Week 50, ending December 20th.

Drycargo Shipping Technical Analysis

capesizeWeekly closing 2330. Presume this Xmas time would be the best one for shipping people since 2007. Momentum so far is very strong all around for all kind of vessels' size and types with Pioneers the Capesizes as usually.

9th Annual Forum Institute of chartered Shipbrokers Greek Branch

ICS Greek BranchThe Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Greek Branch organised its 9th Annual Forum at Eugenides Foundation, on Wednesday, 11th of December, with a remarkable success. The title was: « Underway to recovery or Underestimating the Fundamentals? ». The Forum has been well attended by over 400 shipping professionals – from the Greek and International shipping community - covering all spectrums of the industry.

Propeller Club: 3rd Ship Operating Cost Presentation

propeller clubThe International PROPELLER CLUB of the United States (International PORT of PIRAEUS), organizes the 3rd Ship Operating Cost Presentation 'Ship Operating Costs: Current and Future Trends'. Distinguished market experts, Mr. Richard Greiner (MOORE STEPHENS & CO.),

Drycargo (BDI) Shipping Technical Analysis

panamax 1Weekly closing 2176. W-O-W market is almost ''boiling'' all around and especially USG/USEC as far as Pmaxes, Supras and Handies are concerned.US Grains to fareast are now above usd55 pmt and no doubt Capesizes are leading the rally. Iron ore chrrs/shippers ( Brazilian/Aussie and S.African) are keen to cover their stems before the holidays, but have seen today ''a profit taking'' in FFA contracts. Two main reasons for this rally. Indonesia's sudden export limitation in coal/iron ore/sand, and stable commodity prices. Additionally, after long time of Tankers VLCCs sailing in dodlrums, current Meg/Feast earnings are in excess of usd50,000 daily.

Golden Destiny: S&P Market Report for Week 49

golden-destiny-logo-finalAttached find S&P Market Report of Golden Destiny for Week 49, ending December 6 2013, and Weekly Analysis:

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