
Last updateΠεμ, 13 Μαρ 2025 7pm

News in English

Consortia formation for the sale of a 50.1% stake in Hellenic Petroleum SA


In the context of the Second Phase of the tender process for the sale of a 50.1% stake in Hellenic Petroleum SA, the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF), during today's meeting, approved the consortia formation by the qualified investors as follows (in alphabetical order):
(a) a consortium between Glencore Energy UK LTD and “CIEP Participations S.a. r.l. SICAR” of the Carlyle Group and
(b) a consortium between Vitol Holding BV and “Société Nationale pour la Recherche, à la Production, Transport, Transformation et Commercialization des Hydrocarbures” (Sonatrach).

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