
Last updateΤετ, 12 Μαρ 2025 7pm

News in English

Drycargo Shipping Market (BDI) - Technical Analysis

capesize-09Weekly closing 1512. Current situation reminds me a Greek saying: ''Mehri na poume doxa soi o Theos, xanarhizoume to Panagia voitha'', (We are almost ready to say ''Thanks God'', but we say ''please God help us again''). Capesizes' drop is something more than dramatic. There is abs a panic in the market with heavy selling on FFA contracts. Major Charterers hv completely vanished from the market. Panamaxes/Supras/Handies, stormy weather hv caused a lot of delays at ports.

China: Fish Farms and Navigation around Lanshan Port, Shandong Province

csm 844 - Map 645c91b3fbThe London P&I Club, together with most of the I.G. P&I Clubs, has issued the following advice on the above matter: "Members calling at Lanshan Port in Shandong Province, China, will already be aware of the need for Masters to ensure that they are careful when navigating around the Port, in order to avoid contact with the many fish farms and potential claims arising as a consequence.

Argentina: Customs Fines in Parana River Ports

port-of-San-NicolasThe West of England P&I Club has issued a news alert regarding customs fines in Parana River Ports. An entered vessel was recently subjected to a search by the customs authorities in the nearby port of San Lorenzo. The customs search team discovered that five cargo grabs and a number of other items had not been declared on the vessel's stores list. Due to the value of the cargo grabs customs decided to focus on this equipment as the basis for a possible fine.

Iran Sanctions: Update

iran sanctionsAs is known, the Geneva Agreement amongst the P5+1 (the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Russia, and China, facilitated by the European Union) and Iran, is an interim one that will remain in force for the next six months. It provides some limited, temporary, targeted and reversible/revocable relief to Iran in exchange for significant concessions by Iran regarding its nuclear enrichment program. The overwhelming majority of the sanctions regime will remain in place and continue to be vigorously enforced, and may be more accurately analysed as a "freezing" of sanctions rather than a reduction in their scope.

ICS Calls for Understanding from Port State Control on Seafarer Security Training Certification

ICS logoThe International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has raised concerns with governments about preparations worldwide for issuing tens of thousands of seafarers with new certificates for security-related training by 1 January, as required by the 2010 amendments to the IMO Convention on Standards of Training Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW 2010).

EU: TEN-T: call for 2013 published

Logo TenTOn 12 December 2013 the Commission published the 2013 annual and multi-annual calls for proposal under the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) programme. A budget of 80 million Euros is foreseen for Motorways of the Sea. The deadline for submitting projects is 11 March 2014.

EU: Environment Council meeting

emissions-88The European Union has issued a press release stating that ministers attending the Environment Council meeting in Brussels extensively discussed the issue of monitoring, reporting, and verification of carbon dioxide emissions from marine transport, as well as challenges presented by invasive alien species.

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