
Last updateΤετ, 12 Μαρ 2025 7pm

News in English

UAE/DUBAI – Safe Cargo Operation during Port Stay

hg h1Ships calling at PCFC/DP World in the Emirates of Dubai are strictly required to comply with the requirements stipulated in SOLAS/LOADLINE/ISGOTT, IMO Codes for Safe Cargo Operation while the vessels are operating in Dubai Ports. As a minimum requirement, every vessel calling PCFC/DP World Ports in Dubai shall strictly comply with the following PCFC-EHS requirements:

Bangkok: Tug Boat Service

tug boatTo prevent accidents which may cause damage to the terminal quay, midstream dolphins and buoys and gantry cranes during berthing and mooring/unmooring in Bangkok port, all cargo vessels and other ships must apply for Port Authority of Thailand (PAT) tug boat service for berthing, midstream mooring and unmooring in Bangkok port as follows:

Myanmar: Ports of Yangon

myanmarThe Skuld Club has circulated the information quoted below on the above. The increasing role played by Myanmar in international shipping; The country is emerging from a period when US, EU and other sanctions applied, and it is becoming a fast growing participant in the global economy.

IMB Half Yearly Report: Worrying trend of small tanker hijacs in southeast asian waters

somali-piracy-007The Piracy Reporting Centre (PRC) of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) International Maritime Bureau (IMB) raises concerns over a worrying trend of small tanker hijacks in its 2014 half yearly report released this week.

ReCAAP ISC - Summary of Piracy Incidents in Asia for 2014

somali piracy 432The Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia, Information Sharing Centre (ReCAAP ISC) has published its half yearly report for piracy and armed robbery against ships in Asia between January and June 2014. ReCAAP Half Yearly Report.

Libyan Ports

libyan-portsThe London P&I Club has issued the following alert regarding the Libyan port situation:

Italian presidency of the EU

italian -flagItaly took over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union from Greece on July 1st. Under the theme, 'Europe – A Fresh Start', Italy outlined its priorities for the coming six months in a work programme which can be downloaded from the Presidency website.

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