
Last updateΤετ, 12 Μαρ 2025 1pm

News in English

GL's Hellas Committee Meeting in Athens

GL meeting-1 The annual Hellas Committee of Germanischer Lloyd SE (GL) held in Athens recently, focused on the recently announced DNV GL merger, challenges of the maritime industry and how costs in shipping can be controlled.

Kenya Attack Stirs Complacency Fear Over Somali Pirates

somali-piracy-007The deadly assault this week in Nairobi by a militant group from Somalia serves as a reminder of the threats emanating from the war-torn East African country that remains a hotbed for pirate attacks on key shipping routes.

Argentina: New customs resolution in relation to determination of weight for dry/liquid cargoes in bulk

bulk-098The Swedish Club correspondents in Argentina Pandi Liquidadores S.R.L., has provided the Club with the following information.

Panama Canal: Vessel requirements for New Panamax

Panama Canal AuthorityThe Panama Canal Authority has issued Advisory 20-2013 informing the shipping community of the definitions and requirements applicable to all vessels intending to transit the Panama Canal's new locks.

California: Shipping Companies Fined for Violating Fuel

California Air Resources BoardThe California Air Resources Board (CARB) has issued a news release announcing it has fined three international shipping companies a combined total of $440,250 for failure to switch from dirty "bunker" fuel to cleaner, low-sulphur marine distillate fuel upon entering Regulated California Waters, as required by state law.

Revision of BIMCO's piracy clauses

BIMCO-logoBIMCO's piracy clauses, first issued in 2009, have been revised and updated to reflect changes in trade practice and specialist insurance cover as well as a number of other issues.

European Commission approves €114 million aid for extension of Piraeus port

krouaziera-OLPThe European Commission has ruled that €113.9 million in Greek support for an infrastructure project of €120 million at the Port of Piraeus is in accordance with EU state aid rules. In particular, the project will further the objectives of EU transport policy and cohesion without unduly distorting competition in the internal market.

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