
Last updateΠεμ, 13 Μαρ 2025 7pm

News in English

Euronav now owns only two ULCCs in the world

TI Europe

Euronav Tankers NV (Euronav) announces that it has acquired the ULCC Seaways Laura Lynn from Oceania Tanker Corporation, a subsidiary of International Seaways.
Euronav renamed the ULCC as Oceania and registered it under the Belgian flag. Euronav Tankers bought the Seaways Laura Lynn (2003 – 441,561 dwt) from International Seaways for 32.5 million USD. The Laura Lynn is the only other ULCC in the global tanker fleet – Euronav owns the other one, the TI Europe (2002 – 442,470 dwt).
Paddy Rodgers, CEO of Euronav, said: «Bringing the only other ULCC in the world fleet under our control will provide us with a significant strategic opportunity»

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