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SEEMP company audit – Compliance recommendations

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According to the SEEMP Part III, companies must ensure that affected vessels meet the energy efficiency targets set by the IMO. This will be accomplished through a Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) which is subject to company audits, as per MARPOL Annex VI Reg. 26. This statutory news provides practical recommendations on how to deal with SEEMP company audits.

The SEEMP company audit shall be carried out at least once every three years. To minimize the administrative burden on the company, the SEEMP audit may be combined with ISM DOC audits.
To enable harmonization with the Document of Compliance (DOC), DNV has implemented a five-year scheme with intermediate audits. An annual audit scheme may be incorporated if required by any flag state or upon request from the company.
The audit may be carried out as a stand-alone audit if needed. This also enables DNV, as the verifier, to offer SEEMP audit services to companies that do not have ISM certification with DNV.
Scope of SEEMP audits
SEEMP audits – including the process for execution, reporting and corrective actions – shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures used for ISM Code or Seamless™service audits (for more info see below link in references).
At the fleet level, the audit will focus on the company’s policy and approach for implementation, monitoring, self-assessment, improvement, corrective actions and measures to ensure energy efficiency targets are met. In addition, the SEEMP implementation for individual vessels will be assessed on a sampling basis.
A periodical shipboard audit is not required.
Preparation for SEEMP audits
To comply with the regulation, the company should ensure the following measures are implemented:
1. Compliance verification
Includes verification that the Confirmation of Compliance has been issued and remedial action for non-compliance has been taken, and that all personnel identified in the SEEMP are aware of their roles, responsibilities and duties, have received appropriate training, and are receiving the necessary support and resources to fulfil their roles.
2. Operational adherence
Confirmation that each sampled ship in the fleet is operated in accordance with the SEEMP Part III, regardless of its rating, and that the implementation of the measures is progressing according to the plan. It will also include evaluating the contribution of each measure to the CII impact, monitoring the CII and ensuring all procedures associated with the SEEMP Part III are followed.
3. Progress on corrective actions
Confirmation that the company has demonstrated progress on corrective actions (for vessels rated “D” for three consecutive years or rated “E” for one year) within the three-year implementation plan and the plan of corrective actions.
4. Self-assessment and improvement
Confirmation that the company has conducted self-assessment and improvement of actions according to the plan.
5. Assignment of responsibilities
Verification that the company has ensured the assignment of responsibilities related to the implementation and monitoring of measures according to the plan, the availability of resources, the familiarity with the plan and training.
Issuance of Statement
A statement “Confirmation of SEEMP Company Audit” will be issued to companies which have demonstrated compliance with this requirement.
How to order SEEMP company audit
Ordering is done through in your ”My Services” on Veracity: Under “Fleet Status” and “Company Services” , click on “Request audit”, expand “Occasional” and select “SEEMP Company audit additional “.
Audit fees
For any queries related to the audit fees, please contact your nearest DNV office or your Key Account Manager (KAM).
Alignment with DNV’s Seamless certification services
For companies that make a strategic decision to focus on energy management and seek efficiency in their process, DNV recommends Seamless™ certification with ISO 50001 together with ISM and SEEMP combined in one audit. This is an effective solution reducing the number of visits.
Ship owners/managers should be familiar with Resolution MEPC.347(78) and ensure that the SEEMP is effectively implemented onboard vessels. Additionally, company audits should be conducted as described in this news.


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