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- Λεπτομέρειες
- Δημοσιεύτηκε στις Πέμπτη, 09 Μαΐου 2024 11:58

Moore Greece is very proud to have assisted the International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners (INTERCARGO) with their very first ESG Review. The ESG Review highlights how INTERCARGO’S recent activities relate to each of the pillars of ESG: Environmental, Social and Governance. Echoing INTERCARGO’s commitment to quality dry bulk shipping, the Review also suggests how ESG has become an increasingly important topic for all stakeholders in the dry bulk shipping community.
The Chairman of INTERCARGO, Dr Dimitrios J. Fafalios, expressed his “sincere gratitude to the dedicated professionals at Moore Greece for their effort and skill in preparing this ESG Review”. He concluded that “with the support of all members, INTERCARGO will successfully transition to a future where day-to-day operations of the dry bulk shipping sector are fully aligned with the principles of sustainable development”.
Costas Constantinou, Managing Partner at Moore Greece and Global Maritime Leader of the Moore Network, pointed out that “Moore Greece has been a trusted partner to the Greek shipping community for the past 60 years, proactively responding to needs of the industry for quality and transparency in reporting to their stakeholders. Moore Greece is excited to have been working alongside INTERCARGO and to have helped shape the INTERCARGO 2024 ESG Review”.
Pinelopi Kassani, Governance, Risk & Compliance Partner Moore Greece, highlighted that ‘INTERCARGO’s ESG Review is an important initiative for the dry bulk sector. INTERCARGO’s global outreach as demonstrated by its 250 members and 3.300 vessels, helps bring the ESG discussion of the sector forward by highlighting many of the sector’s common topics that relate to the environment, the society and corporate governance’.