
Last updateΚυρ, 16 Μαρ 2025 8am

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Ocean and climate literacy in nautical high schools


120 Greek and Italian Nautical High School students participated in a series of seminars on ocean and climate awareness as part of the ‘Ride the Wave’ program. The educational material was developed by scientists, educators, and representatives from organizations in the blue economy sector and is now available to Nautical Schools.
Specifically designed for Nautical Vocational Schools, the program focused on disseminating scientific knowledge and promoted a deeper understanding of the relationship between the climate and the oceans, highlighting their role in mitigating climate change. Ride the Wave also informed and guided young people towards pursuing careers within the Blue Economy.
The Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association – HELMEPA and the Italian environmental Association Marevivo Onlus (project leader) in collaboration with 2 high schools, the Nautical Institute "G. Da Verrazzano” (Porto Santo Stefano, Grosseto, Italy), and the 1st Vocational High School of Konistres (Evia, Greece), implemented the project simultaneously in both countries.
Experts from both countries, as well as other EU countries and Canada, joined a webinar series to share inspiring environmental education initiatives from the Mediterranean region, North America, and the Arctic.
A Local Sea Network of organizations, linked to the Blue Economy sector, was set up to promote the exchange of good educational practices and the development of common initiatives for the protection and conservation of our seas.
More than 120 students from the two Nautical Schools participated, and presented their work at the end of each educational phase:
- The Italian Institute created a mural art project the "Art for the Sea", which combined science, artistic expression to inspire positive change and promote sustainable practices.
- The Greek Institute completed a collective project in which students conducted in-depth interviews with the personnel of Environmental Protection Engineering S.A. (EPE), a company based in Greece offering environmental protection services and products, including emergency response services for oil and chemical spills.
Both schools successfully joined the European Blue Schools Network.
A guide for educators was also compiled providing directions for the exchange and replication of the initiative as well as suggestions for the participation of interested parties (educators, maritime professionals, staff of environmental associations, etc.) in the teaching of ocean and climate topics.

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