
Last updateΔευ, 17 Μαρ 2025 9pm

News in English

Net-Zero Industry Act must recognise strategic role of shipping for Europe’s security

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European shipowners today welcome the EU’s proposed Net-Zero Industry Act. The Act can be step-change in efforts to enhance Europe’s security and to support the energy transition of European industry.

However, the new Act must properly recognise the strategic role of shipping for Europe’s security. The shipping industry is a cornerstone of European security: energy security, food security, security of supply of goods. This is an unique opportunity for Europe to foster the sector’s competitiveness.

The new Industry Act aims to accelerate the decarbonisation of the European economy. As shipping is one of the most difficult to decarbonise sectors, the upscaling of affordable low- and zero-carbon fuels and technologies for the sector is key. For this reason, renewable fuels of non-biological origin (RFNBOs) should be included within the Act’s definition of ‘strategic net-zero technologies’, so that dedicated production capacity can be swiftly developed. In addition, ECSA warmly welcomes the inclusion of offshore renewable technologies and carbon capture and storage in the list of strategic net-zero technologies.

“European shipowners believe that the Net-Zero Industry Act can be instrumental in supporting the competitiveness of European industry while accelerating the energy transition. The strategic role of shipping for Europe’s energy security, food security and security of supply of goods must be properly recognised. In this context, we welcome the support for the faster uptake of offshore technologies, for which shipping already plays a critical role. But the industry is still missing a clear plan for the development of a European supply chain for clean marine fuels and technologies” said ECSA’s Secretary General Sotiris Raptis.

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