
Last updateΚυρ, 16 Μαρ 2025 10am

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American Club experiences an encouraging 2023 P&I renewal

0American Club

The American Club has reported encouraging year-on-year growth in premium and tonnage over the recent renewal period. Increases in both metrics were experienced across all of the Club’s insurance lines, strengthening its position for 2023 and beyond.

Premium income for the Club’s Class I (mutual P&I) entries was 17% greater than a year earlier, with concomitant tonnage growth of 25% over the period. Its Class II (mutual FD&D) portfolio also grew, while its Class III (charterers’) business is poised to increase by about 10% in 2023 by comparison with the previous twelve months.
Eagle Ocean Marine, the Club’s fixed premium facility, which serves the operators of smaller vessels in local and regional trades, also enjoyed a positive renewal season, strengthening its growing market position.
The Club’s Board had mandated an overall increase in expiring premium of 10% for the 2023 policy year, together with uplifts in certain deductibles. In the result, the cash rise on renewing business was just over 9%, with increases in deductibles over and above those generally prescribed, particularly through the application of higher annual aggregate deductibles in several sectors, providing an additional cash value of about 2% overall.
While the Club renewed about 95% of its expiring tonnage over the renewal itself, its renewing premium for 2023 was almost exactly the same as the expiring volume, implying an increase in the average rate per ton on the renewing portfolio of just under 8% by comparison with that of twelve months earlier.
Speaking in New York earlier today, Tom Hamilton, the Chief Underwriting Officer of SCB, Inc., the Managers of the American Club, said: “The American Club experienced a positive 2023 renewal season. Year-on-year tonnage entered for mutual P&I risks grew by 25% to just over 25 million gross tons with an increase in annualized premium to about $108 million. With similar increases in premium and tonnage entered for FD&D and charterers’ risks, as well as a solid portfolio under its Eagle Ocean Marine banner, the American Club commences the 2023 policy year with a premium income in excess of $135 million, an encouraging result providing a sound platform for further expansion over the months and years ahead.”
Dorothea Ioannou, the Chief Executive Officer of SCB, Inc., also commented on the Club’s recent results: “The growth of the Club’s premium and tonnage over the recent renewal reflects the loyalty and commitment of its Members and their intermediaries throughout the world. None of this is taken for granted, and will continue to be earned by a dedication to excellence in service provision, supported by a strengthening financial outlook for the Club. While business conditions remain challenging in many respects, the Club and its Managers are sure that the positive results of this renewal will enable further development of the Club’s market position in the future.”

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