
Last updateΣαβ, 15 Μαρ 2025 11am

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Spotlight on energy efficiency and EU regulations at LR's Hellenic Advisory Committee (HAC) meeting


Leading Greek shipping executives gathered at the unique FONDAZIONE Spyros Loverdos Library for the annual meeting of the Lloyd's Register (LR) Hellenic Advisory Committee have called for further collaboration among supply chain stakeholders to address energy transition challenges, while raising awareness on marine and offshore industry efforts to reach net zero, with many in the room stressing that delivering on these ambitions relied on enhancing the efficiency of ships already on the water.
“As we strive towards reducing the longer term emissions from shipping and the move to low and zero carbon fuels we must not lose focus on what can be practically implemented today on the world’s existing fleet.  Greece, as the home of the largest fleet and the dominant supplier of tramp trade, is perfectly placed to lead on this focus and scale the practical steps that can be taken to further improve the energy efficiency of existing ships.  Lloyd’s Register has heard the call from the Greek Prime Minister and intends to work with Greek Shipping to establish Athens as an implementation centre for the energy efficiency of existing ships” LR Chief Executive Officer Nick Brown told Committee members attending the meeting.
HAC members were joined by the Member of European Parliament, Maria Spyraki, who spoke on the role of policy makers and regulatory certainty in shipping’s energy transition. Referring to EU proposed measures, she also underlined the importance of security of the energy supply chain and the need to foster investments.
Sharing charterer’s perspective, Nicholas Logan, Cargill’s Asset Deal Originator talked about his organisation’s proactive and agile approach towards decarbonisation, focusing on existing technologies applications to deliver immediate reductions in emissions, working to scale up wind and biodiesel in the mid-term, and collaborating to explore the long-term solutions that can get the shipping industry to net zero.
During the meeting, LR experts shared updates on new construction trends, how the drive for alternative fuels is impacting ship design as well as the current projects of LR’s Maritime Decarbonisation Hub in addressing energy transition challenges. There was a lively debate among the Committee members around the role and uptake of carbon capture. There was also much emphasis on digital solutions and the importance of data in helping meet decarbonisation targets and transform operations.
“LR Greece is reaching new heights, focusing on clients’ needs, investing in people and technologies, transforming inclusivity. This is an important part of LR’s transformation in Greece, as it provides the implementing steps to position the organisation for the future challenges,” said Theodosis Stamatellos, LR’s South Europe Regional Manager. “This meeting sent a clear message that collaboration with stakeholders across ocean economy comes on top of everything we do towards the energy transition,” he concluded.

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