
Last updateΣαβ, 15 Μαρ 2025 11am

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1st Posidonia Event Sustainability Report Posidonia sets new standards in Society, Economy, Health and Environment impact achievements


Posidonia Exhibitions S.A., the organisers of the most prestigious shipping exhibition, released their Event Sustainability Report for this year’s, 27th Posidonia, which was not only the biggest but also the most sustainable, environmentally and socially, in the 50-year history of the event.
Next to breaking all previous records in exhibition space, number of visitors and publicity, with 1,964 exhibitors from 88 countries and territories, 24 national pavilions, 28,892 visitors from 103 countries and a total of 40,950 participants including exhibitors, visitors and media representatives, Posidonia 2022 set even higher sustainability standards, by officially becoming Greece’s first Sustainable Event after receiving the ISO 20121 certification.
Posidonia’s commitment to incorporate sustainability aspects during all stages of planning and implementation of the 2022 exhibition is reflected in the Event Sustainability Report, which among other things highlights that this year's event recorded:
• 11.25% reduction in exhibitors’ total electrical consumption
• 21.25% reduction in total water consumption
• 18.33% increase in re-usable stands, compared to the 2018 exhibition
• 55% of exhibitors implemented extended sustainability practices, following the organisers’ guidance
• 90% reduction of corporate printing and digitisation of all promotional material.
In addition to the above facts, according to the Report, over 200,000 euro were allocated by Posidonia Exhibitions S.A for the support of organisations, NGOs and social/environmental projects. The amount was allocated, directly or indirectly, for the support of educational, environmental, cultural and health initiatives.
Posidonia 2022 total contribution to the Greek economy is estimated in over 70 million euro, with the amount spread over various sectors including stand constructions, transportations, meetings and corporate events, hotels and restaurants, tax revenues and foreign direct investment.
“The Posidonia 2022 sustainability achievements make us proud, as they reflect our desire to produce high quality, internationally acclaimed events, the kind of top tier events Posidonia has become synonymous to”, said Theodore Vokos, Managing Director of Posidonia Exhibitions S.A.
Mr Vokos, who is also the President of the newly founded Greek Exhibition Industry Association, added: “These achievements show the way forward for the exhibition industry: sustainable events, with careful attention being given to their environmental and social imprint, for everyone’s benefit”.
You can find the Event Sustainability Report for the 27th Posidonia at the following link.
Posidonia 2022 is organised under the auspices of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs & Insular Policy, the Union of Greek Shipowners and the Hellenic Chamber of Shipping and with the support of the Municipality of Piraeus and the Greek Shipping Co-operation Committee.

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