
Last updateΚυρ, 16 Μαρ 2025 8am

News in English

Capes raised BDI, fall regarding the rest sizes

bulk ships 000

Iakovos (Jack) Archontakis.
Commercial Manager TMC MARITIME CO.

Fotios-Evangelos Karlis.
Chartering Department TMC MARITIME CO.

With a raise the dry bulk cargo market continued the past week. Capes raised the general index, while the rest sizes continued downwards, with Kamsarmaxes noting the most significant fall, this week as well. To be more specific, capes raised by 28.6%, Kamsarmaxes -15.2%, Supramaxes -5.75% and Handies -0.4% compared to last week. Given that, BDI raised by credits 83 (+4%) and closed at 2150 credits on Friday, the 15th of July.
Let’s not see more specific, how the dry bulk cargo market moved last week as per vessel’s size, starting off with Capes. In Asia the activity was improving day by day, after the holiday during the start of the week. However, during the end of the week the rhythms slowed down resulting in small losses compared to Friday, the 8th of July. Levels of the index regarding route Australia-China (C5) closed at $ 10.9 / tn, on Friday.
In the Atlantic Basin the market presented an upward trend as much in the North as in the South. In S. Brazil and W. Africa there was increased demand absorbing many vessels. In the North intense movement was observed and indexes regarding transatlantic round trips and to Asia noted considerable improvements compared to last week. Indexes on Friday reached for trips from Brazil to China at $ 32.11 / tn (for route C3), while rates from the Continent to Asia closed at $ 53.61 K/ day (for route C9) and for transatlantic round trips at $ 34.36 K/ day (for route C8).
Considering Kamsarmaxes in the Atlantic the market started the week without any significant activity and with decreased volume of cargo and with the same pace the whole week continued. Indicatively, rates for trips from the East Coast of South America (ECSA) to the Far East reached up to $ 36-37 K/ day (delivery at ECSA) and from the U. K. Gulf and North Coast of South America to the Continent up to $ 18-20 K/ day (delivery at Gibraltar).
On the other hand, in Asia, after the holiday on Monday, the week started off with some coal cargo from Indonesia and wheat from North Pacific. However these were not enough in order to revitalize the market, while and Australia remained calm. Rates as regards round trips to Australia-Far East moved between $ 11-13 K/ day.
As regards Supramaxes-Ultramaxes in S. E. Asia great pressure was observed, with increase of available vessels and limitations of coal cargo from Indonesia to all routes. SMX’s rates regarding trips between S. E. Asia and the Far East dropped at $ 19-20.5 K/ day. Northern, in the Far East we observed in many routes levels of rates to stabilize while many owners preferred to stay in the area and they were fewer from the ones that wished to moved western. SMX’s rates regarding round trips in NOPAC moved between $ 19-20.5 K/ day, for trips to W. C. India between $ 23.5-24.5 K/ day and for returning trips to the Atlantic Basin (BH) between $ 25.5-26.5 K/ day.

In the Middle East’s Gulf and W. C. India the market presented a fall and this week while many seem to be still on vacations from the EID holidays. SMX’s rates as regard trips to the Far East dropped at $ 21-22.5 K/ day (from Middle East Gulf [MEG] – W. C. India), regarding short trips between MEG-W. C. India at $ 18.5-20.5 K/ day and trips to the Mediterranean at $ 23-24.5 K/ day.
In the Atlantic Basin and especially in the U.S. Gulf the market presented improvements mainly regarding transatlantic trips. On the contrary, cargoes and rates regarding trips to Asia moved downwards. SMX’s rates regarding transatlantic trips raised at $ 28-29 K/ day and to Asia at $ 26.5-27.5 K/ day. ECSA area was calm enough since few bookings were noted, even though offered capacity remained on lower levels. SMX’s rates as regards trips from the S. E. Asia – China dropped at $ 26-27 K/ dat and for transatlantic trips (Mediterranean/Continent) at $ 30-31.5 K/ day.
Continent’s market kept on retreating, while cargoes’ volume could not absorb area’s vessels. SMX’s rates as regards round-local trips moved between $ 16-17 K/ day, trips with SCRAP cargo to the Mediterranean between $ 15-16.5 K/ day and to Asia between $ 18-19 K/ day. In the Mediterranean we saw more cargoes to appear mainly for the end of the month, even though they were not enough compared to the offer of vessel’s in order to revert the negative tendency of rates. Indicatively, it is claimed that an SMX for a trips from the Mediterranean from Asia closed at $ 21-22 K/ day (delivery at Canakkale), to the other side of the Atlantic Basin at $ 15-16.5 K/ day and in the Mediterranean at $ 17.5-18.5 K/ day.
Considering Handies market, in the Continent the market further retreated, with demand being limited and vessels number remaining high. Rates of the bigger vessels of the category, regarding round trips fell at $ 10.5-11.5 K/ day, to Mediterranean with scrap cargo at $ 13-14.5 K/ day and for transatlantic trips at $ 12-13 K/ day.
In the Mediterranean the market had more movement even though it seemed that this was not enough in order to see some raise regarding rates. Rates of the bigger vessels (past 36K tn DWT) for trips in the Mediterranean moved between $ 17-18.5 K/ day (delivery at Canakkale), to Continent between $ 18-19 K/ day (delivery at Canakkale), to the other side of the Atlantic Basin between $ 15-17 K/ day (delivery at Canakkale) and to Asia between $ 18-19 K/ day.
On the other side of the Atlantic Basin, the U. S. Gulf presented signs of improvement with rates regarding some routes to stabilize after a period of continuous pressure. Indicatively, rates of the bigger vessels of the category regarding trips to the other side of the Atlantic remained at $ 13-14 K/ day and in Asia at $ 15.5-16.5 K/ day.
ECSA’s market presented a raise during the second half of the week, with improvement of demand mainly regarding transatlantic trips. Given that, rates of the bigger vessels in ECSA area regarding transatlantic trips (Continent-Mediterranean) moved between $ 28.5-29.5 K/ day and to Asia between $ 28-29.5 K/ day.
In Asia, all individual markets presented quietness resulting in rates to sustain their downward trend. In India monsoons kept on causing problems and charterers preferred to stay instead of proceed to some booking. With that given, many vessels from W. C. India preferred to move Eastern, burdening the image of S. E. Asia. Rates of the bigger vessels of the category regarding round trips to the Far East and NOPAC closed at $ 19-21 K/ day, from the S. E. Asia to China at $ 19-20.5 K/ day and from W. C. India to China at $ 19.5-20.5 K/ day.

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