
Last updateΠαρ, 14 Μαρ 2025 6pm

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PPA S.A.: Announcement regarding the Supreme Court Decisions


Following the Greek Supreme Court recent decision about Greece Port Planning and Development Committee’s former Port of Piraeus’ Master Plan approvals, which affect the Cruise Terminal Expansion Project by temporary pausing the construction operations, PPA SA would like to inform on the following:

PPA is committed to implement its large-scale investment plan in the country, including any possible modifications deemed necessary, based on the decisions of the relevant administrative and judicial authorities and in full alignment with the Concession Agreement with the Greek State. As a trusted, reliable and long-term investor, PPA is closely cooperating with the Greek authorities for the best possible outcomes, while giving full effect to all relevant decisions and instructions.

The company’s main aim remains to continue the dynamic growth path of the Port of Piraeus for the benefit of the Greek Economy and the Greek Society.

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