
Last updateΤετ, 12 Μαρ 2025 11pm

News in English

Certification of Environmental Management PERS of PPA S.A. by ESPO

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The Piraeus Port Authority S.A. announces the successful completion of the environmental certification review in accordance with the Port Environmental Review System (PERS) and the receipt of the new PERS Certificate.
The environmental management applied by PPA S.A. for all of its activities has been certified since 2004, according to the European PERS System of the European Ports Organization (ESPO) and at the same time, PPA S.A. is an active member of the European port network EcoPorts.
The PERS System has been developed by ESPO specifically for port environmental management and is certified by the independent certification body Lloyd's Register.
In this framework, PPA S.A. has developed and implements a specific environmental policy and is in a continuous record of the environmental parameters associated with its activities while at the same time aims at continuously improving its environmental performance, following the European and international standards and aiming at protecting the environment and preserving natural resources.
Results of the environmental performance of PPA S.A. are also presented through the published Annual Financial Report of the company.

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