News in English
Efficient Communication in a Maritime Environment
- Λεπτομέρειες
- Δημοσιεύτηκε στις Τετάρτη, 22 Απριλίου 2015 12:41

DNV GL's Maritime Academy Hellas is offering on 7 May 2015, a one-day workshop on Communication issues.
Communication is part of life; it is a natural, everyday exercise, and it is the most important process in our social life – whether in the office, at home or on board a vessel. Through communication we construct our reality, generate and exchange facts, and create consensus. We are constantly communicating with our fellow humans, even when we are not speaking to them. It is important to realise that we communicate not only facts but also emotion and both are vital for a successful outcome of the exchange.
With facts, especially in high reliability organisations (HRO) or in a perilous environment such as the maritime business, the need for precise, effective communication and a guard against misunderstanding is very high.
With emotional exchanges we build rapport and trust and try to preserve the same if possible. Through our posture, our facial expression, our imitative behaviour and gestures, we disclose something to others and are interpreted in some manner. This seminar will raise your awareness about all of these elements.
Course Objective: After your active participation in this seminar you will
• be able to communicate short and spot on without doubt
• save time and effort by communicating more precisely
• have a structure for everyday communicative situations
• be able to influence your communication positively to reach your business goals more quickly and easily
• generate and foster trust and rapport with people you never see or meet
• avoid misunderstanding and wrong interpretation
• gain more sympathy - if you wish
• lead through communication if needed
• the various means of communication
• the mechanism of communication in general
• different styles of communication
• manipulation through communication
• how you are perceived through your communication style
Course: Efficient Communication in a Maritime Environment
Venue, date: DNV GL's Piraeus Office, 7 May 2015 (09:30-17:00)
Trainers: Mr. George Lykos, Hellenic Naval Academy Engineer, MSc in Nautical & Maritime Technology and Science and MSc in Human Resources, Maritime researcher
at NTUA, School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, DNV GL's Maritime Academy Trainer
Fees: Euros 400,00
Registration Deadline: 30 April 2015