News in English
Bangkok: Tug Boat Service
- Λεπτομέρειες
- Δημοσιεύτηκε στις Κυριακή, 03 Αυγούστου 2014 11:19

To prevent accidents which may cause damage to the terminal quay, midstream dolphins and buoys and gantry cranes during berthing and mooring/unmooring in Bangkok port, all cargo vessels and other ships must apply for Port Authority of Thailand (PAT) tug boat service for berthing, midstream mooring and unmooring in Bangkok port as follows:
Request for PAT tug boat service must be made for berthing at:
East Quay Berths (No. 20A – 20G);
Vessels without bow thruster or stern thruster must use at least two tug boats of at least 1,200 HP;
Vessels with bow thruster or stern thruster must use at least one tug boat of at least 1,200 HP;
Vessels with LOA exceeding 250 ft. must use at least one tug boat of at least1200 HP;
West Quay Berths (No. 22A - 22J)
Vessels with LOA 250 - 450 ft. must use at least one 1,200 HP tug boat;
Vessels with LOA exceeding 450 ft. must use at least two 1,200 HP tug boats;
For midstream dolphin mooring, at least two tug boats of at least 1,200 HP must be used;
For midstream buoy mooring, at least one tug boat of at least1,200 HP must be used.
For other vessels with LOA not exceeding 250 ft., if the master judges that the vessel could berth at the terminal quay or moor at midstream safely he is permitted to do so without requesting tug boat service;
However, the said berthing and mooring/unmooring must not obstruct other vessels and the owner of the vessel shall remain liable for any damage caused. In the event of abnormal weather conditions or the calling vessel being in any abnormal condition, the pilot officer is authorised to request more powerful or additional tug assistance as deemed appropriate.
Source: GAC Hot Port News Bulletin, -