
Last updateΤετ, 12 Μαρ 2025 7pm

News in English

IACS: Industry Consultation of revised draft Harmonised Common Structural Rules

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A circular concerning the revised draft Harmonised Structural Rules (HCSR) has been received from IACS.

Members will recall that IACS is presently reviewing the draft HCSR with the intention of submission to IMO for verification early in 2014. A recent Press Release provides information on a new round of consultation following earlier comment and revision of the draft rules. To assist Members who may wish to review the IACS documents in detail; in addition to the information provided in the IACS press announcement, the following links may be used:


Rules, technical background and consequence assessment http://www.iacs.org.uk/publications/CommonRulePublications.aspx?pageid=4§ionid=2

When using this link, the relevant documents can be found under items 14 and 15 on the left hand edge of the web page. Members may wish to note that when accessing the technical background documents (item 15); the first two entries on the website under item 15 are simply lists of available documents. The technical documents are contained in the zip file under the third item.

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