
Last updateΤετ, 12 Μαρ 2025 7pm

News in English

Clean Industrial Deal: Time for urgent action to support industry competitiveness and energy transition

0ECSA 60 logoEuropean Shipowners strongly welcome the recognition of shipping under the five sectors across which the Clean Industrial Deal should be implemented.

Dry bulk market freight rates are showing signs of improvement

Bulk carrier 1Dry bulk market freight rates are showing signs of improvement after a period of decline.

New IBIA Board members announced at the AGM

0IBIA LOGOWe are pleased to announce the results of the IBIA – International Bunker Industry Association Board elections, which were revealed at the IBIA AGM on Monday, 24 February 2025, ahead of the IBIA Annual Dinner at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London’s Park Lane.

Ship managers suggest changes to IMO’s net-zero framework to avoid future legal action

aerioi rypo 0098Ship managers have expressed concerns in connection with the International Maritime Organization’s future net-zero framework and have suggested concrete changes which they believe would make the proposals more effective.

Finally a rise for the dry bulk cargo market

Bulk carrier 1Iakovos (Jack) Archontakis
Commercial Director TMC MARITIME CO.

Dr. Fotios –Evangelos Karlis
Maritime Executive and Consultant

The dry bulk cargo market advanced with significant gains in all sizes, reaching double-digit increases compared to the previous week.

Weekly Market Report & Predictions: Handy and Ultramax Sectors 24th February 2025

bulk ships 000Iakovos (Jack) Archontakis
TMC Commercial Director 
Handysize Market Overview
US Gulf / US East Coast (USG/USEC) : The week commenced on a strong note, with a robust cargo flow fueling market activity.

International Chamber of Shipping Statement following the conclusion of ISWG-GHG 18

ship emissions 12Following a week of intensive greenhouse gas (GHG) negotiations at the UN International Maritime Organization (IMO), Guy Platten, Secretary General of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), emphasised the need for urgent progress ahead of the critical IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 83) in April:

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