
Last updateΣαβ, 15 Μαρ 2025 7am

News in English

Ocean and climate literacy in nautical high schools

0Λυκ120 Greek and Italian Nautical High School students participated in a series of seminars on ocean and climate awareness as part of the ‘Ride the Wave’ program.

LR to class Vard built methanol-ready Commissioning Service Operations Vessels

0loyds Registerloyd's Register (LR) has been awarded the contract to class two methanol-ready Commissioning Service Operations Vessels (CSOVs) being built by VARD, one of the major global designers and shipbuilders of specialised vessels, for the UK's leading offshore infrastructure support vessel operator, North Star.

CLIA navigates Greek maritime students through the world of cruising

0CLIA Photo 1CLIA continues to celebrate 2023 as the “European Year of Skills” and to actively contribute to the development of skills in the cruise industry by organising one more educational cruise ship visit for students in Greece.

Workshop on Search and Rescue (SAR) JO Poseidon 2023 - Opening Remarks By the Minister for Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy Christos Stylianides

0Στιλ5Ladies and Gentlemen,

METAVASEA: Supporting a people-centred transition for maritime decarbonization in the East Mediterranean

0MetaHELMEPA-led wide collaboration of maritime stakeholders seeks to provide a snapshot of maritime decarbonization infrastructure in Greece & Cyprus, map the skills gap and support seafarers, port workers, shipping professionals and administrators with flexible training/ upskilling/ reskilling toolkits.

The BDTI continues its upward spree

0Tanker deckThe BDTI continues its upward spree, reaching 29 consecutive positive closings at 1,286 points, at its highest level since 22 May 2023.

Rise for the Dry Bulk Cargo market, larger sizes moved better

Bulk carrier 1Iakovos (Jack) Archontakis
Commercial Manager TMC MARITIME CO.

Dr. Fotios-Evangelos Karlis
Maritime Executive and Consultant

The dry bulk cargo market continued to rise with larger sizes showing a better picture, while Handies closed in the red. In detail, Capes are up 6.89%, Kamsarmaxes +4.5%, Supramaxes +1.48% and Handies -0.1%, compared to the previous week.

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