
Last updateΤετ, 12 Μαρ 2025 11pm

News in English

A voyage to culture with SUPERFAST FERRIES

0superfastSUPERFAST FERRIES within the framework of Attica Group's Social Responsibility programme, is active in promoting the Greek language and Greek Culture by launching the "Greek Communities of Italy" initiative.

Tototheo Maritime to provide Iridium CertusSM service

0TototheoGlobal connectivity and solutions provider, Tototheo Maritime signed an agreement with Iridium (IRDM:NSQ) to provide the Iridium CertusSM service.

Star Bulk Carriers Corp. announces new equity incentive programme

starbulkStar Bulk Carriers Corp. (the "Company" or "Star Bulk") following resolutions by its Board and Compensation Committee, has established an incentive programme for key employees, pursuant to which an aggregate of four million (4,000,000) restricted share units (each, a “RSU”) have been issued. Each RSU represents, upon vesting, a right for the relevant beneficiary to receive one (1) SBLK share.

2018: A Year of Awards and Certifications for HRADF

0HellenicThe Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund has distinguished itself during 2018 for attracting FDI in Greece and for its transparency with 3 international awards, whilst it received three ISO certifications for its management systems.

Consortia formation for the sale of a 50.1% stake in Hellenic Petroleum SA

0ΕΛΠΕIn the context of the Second Phase of the tender process for the sale of a 50.1% stake in Hellenic Petroleum SA, the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF), during today's meeting, approved the consortia formation by the qualified investors as follows (in alphabetical order):

IMB piracy report 2018: attacks multiply in the Gulf of Guinea

peiratesPiracy increased on the world’s seas in 2018, with a marked rise in attacks against ships and crews around West Africa, the International Chamber of Commerce’s International Maritime Bureau’s (IMB) latest annual piracy report reveals.


0engineForward Ships' innovative machinery arrangement receives its first official patent right from South Korea, a major shipbuilding nation.

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